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Motor skills of young adults with Asperger syndrome: A comparative study


Motor skills of young adults with Asperger syndrome: A comparative study

Motor skill difficulties are mentioned as a common feature of Asperger syndrome (AS) but specific information regarding young adults is scarce. The purposes of this study were: to compare the motor skills of young adults with AS with age and gender matched controls using the updated version of the standardized Movement Assessment battery for children (M-ABC-II), and to compare the motor skills between younger and older participants within both groups (index and control group). Additionally validity and reliability of the M-ABC-II for use with the present population were explored. Young adults with AS performed these motor tasks at a remarkably lower level than their peers. They continued to demonstrate motor delays over age, even though motor competencies of individuals with AS seemed to improve after the adolescent years. The use of the M-ABC-II is recommended for young adults with AS as a valuable tool in assessing motor skills for setting up the intervention in educational and clinical practice.
