
"Mä toivoin, että olisin vaan voinut vajota maan alle" : kokemus sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelon synnystä ja sen merkityksestä yksilön elämään

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"Mä toivoin, että olisin vaan voinut vajota maan alle" : kokemus sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelon synnystä ja sen merkityksestä yksilön elämään

Kokemus sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelon synnystä ja sen merkityksestä yksilön elämään

The present study aimed at depicting the emergence of social phobia, its effects on an individual's life and possible coping strategies through one case experiences. The purpose was to bring out those experiences a person living with social phobia goes through.

The study was a qualitative case-study. The subject of the study was a man suffering from social phobia. The data collection method was a thematic interview which was carried out one-on-one at the subject's home. The data were analysed using the thematic analysis method.

The results of the study indicate that childhood experiences play a significant role in the emergence of social phobia. The subject had experienced physical violence and insecurity at home. The unsafe living environment and the unpleasant interaction situations there increased the feeling of insecurity. The social phobia interfered with almost all relationships, resulting in a severe depression and substance abuse. Avoidance behaviour is one way to deal with unpleasant social situations.

The qualitative results of the present study challenge the teacher training school to evaluate how social phobia could be easier recognised and what kinds of methods could be used to better support a young person suffering from the phobia.

Key words: social phobia, school, student welfare services, case-study, thematic interview, theming

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