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Stormgaard, U., Dyssegaard, S., & Hohnen, D. (1973). Danish films: A co-operative production of the Danish Film Institute and the Press and Cultural Relations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Udenrigsministeriets Presse- og Kulturafdeling.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Stormgaard, Uffe, Søren Dyssegaard, ja David Hohnen. Danish Films: A Co-operative Production of the Danish Film Institute and the Press and Cultural Relations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. København: Udenrigsministeriets Presse- og Kulturafdeling, 1973.


Stormgaard, Uffe, et al. Danish Films: A Co-operative Production of the Danish Film Institute and the Press and Cultural Relations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Udenrigsministeriets Presse- og Kulturafdeling, 1973.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Stormgaard, U., Dyssegaard, S. & Hohnen, D. 1973. Danish films: A co-operative production of the Danish Film Institute and the Press and Cultural Relations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. København: Udenrigsministeriets Presse- og Kulturafdeling.

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