
Discursive Strategies to Negotiate Power Relations in Disability Services Client Juries

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Discursive Strategies to Negotiate Power Relations in Disability Services Client Juries

Collaboration with clients is an efficient way to develop social services. To strengthen the possibilities for clients to influence services, client juries are established. However, collaboration in the juries is perceived as difficult because of the power imbalance inherent in the client–social worker relationship. The aim of this study was to examine how the participants negotiated power relations in client jury meetings. The data consisted of four observed disability services client jury meetings. Analysis was performed using action-implicative discourse analysis, which aims to define different communicative problems, interactional strategies, and situated ideals of communicative practices. The results revealed the use of four main strategies to negotiate power relations in client jury meetings: avoiding conflicts with clients, trying to reveal injustice, taking responsibility, and widening the perspective. By studying the interactions within the disability services client juries, the methods for promoting the involvement of service users in developing social services can be improved.

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