
Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus oppimiskokemuksen muotoiluprosesseissa käytetyistä prosesseista, suunnitteluperiaatteista ja -menetelmistä

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Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus oppimiskokemuksen muotoiluprosesseissa käytetyistä prosesseista, suunnitteluperiaatteista ja -menetelmistä

Learning Experience Design (LXD) has become more notable and common, which suggests that there is both a demand and need for studying and improvement of the individual’s learning experience and learning experience design in general. The current study investigates design processes and design principles for designing Learning Experiences for digital learning environments with the help of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The main goal of the study is to gather guidelines, heuristics and design principles that are used in learning experience design processes in addition to deepen the knowledge of methodological perspectives that underlie the LXD processes. The initial searches were made 30.11.2023 from IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Taylor & Francis Online, ProQuest education database, Psychology database, SpringerLink, Wiley, ACM digital library and Elsevier. Secondary searches were made 28.2.2024 to JYKDOK. Also, “the snowball” -technique was used. The present study consists of 9 studies, and these were analyzed with deductive content analysis. The chosen studies included both a digital learning environment and a connection to either Learning Experience Design or User Experience Design. The Learning Experience Design processes of the chosen studies were similar in the sense of their iterative nature. Methodology-wise, the methods were taken typically from User Experience Design. Interestingly learning objectives or the learning itself were not within the studies’ scope. Therefore, future studies could extend the study of Learning Experience Design and it processes towards learning objectives and learning. Lastly, the present study has also its limitations. The literature review was conducted by one reviewer, which might have implications to extend and coverage of the studies. In addition, only nine studies met the inclusion criteria and were selected for the review. This might be a sign of inadequate search terms or a sign of an emerging topic that has not much coverage yet.

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