
Kohti sosioemotionaalisia taitoja ja lasten osallisuutta tukevaa toimintakulttuuria : ProVaka-toimintamallin pilottivaiheen analyysi

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Kohti sosioemotionaalisia taitoja ja lasten osallisuutta tukevaa toimintakulttuuria : ProVaka-toimintamallin pilottivaiheen analyysi

Supporting the participation of all children requires organizing adequate developmental and pedagogical support in early childhood education and care (ECEC) units. Development of inclusive early childhood education pedagogy and policies aims to support allchildren's behaviour and social skills. Pre-school Wide Positive Behaviour Support (PWPBS, referred as ProVaka in Finland) is a proactive early intervention that promotes the adoption of evidence-based interventions to support children ́s social behaviour in ECEC units. The main objective of ProVaka is to develop clear behavioural expectations, use direct teaching of appropriate behaviours and add positive feedback in ECEC units. In this multiple-method study, we illustrate the implementation of ProVaka intervention and the development of children’s participation in Finnish ECEC over a year and a half pilot project. Data include fidelity measures assessed by ProVaka coach, acceptability surveys completed by staff, and progress reports (N = 18) that professionals in the participating ECEC units have written.The results illustrate that both the fidelity of the ProVaka implementation and its social validity were at high level. The qualitative analysis of progress reports illustrates the process of the ProVaka implementation in Finnish ECEC focusing on the participation of children in developing new shared pedagogical practices in ECEC units.

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