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Iän ja sukupuolen vaikutukset informaatioteknologian omaksumiseen ja käyttöön

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Iän ja sukupuolen vaikutukset informaatioteknologian omaksumiseen ja käyttöön

Information technology acceptance is a significant research subject in information systems science. Factors affecting the adoption of information technology have been extensively studied and several theories have been developed to investigate the subject. Rapid development of information technology creates pressure to learn to use continually new information technology products and services. Users must be able to make decisions between the technologies they want to use. Another general societal trend with rapid development of information technology is aging of the population. Age and gender affect individual’s information technology use. In this bachelor’s thesis has been examined how the factors affect individual’s technology acceptance and use, and why. The study for this bachelor’s thesis has been done as a literature review at University of Jyväskylä in 2019. The most important factors what influence individual’s information technology acceptance and use are social factors for using information technology, perceived usefulness, attitudes toward information technology and facilitating conditions. Depending on age and gender users emphasize the factors differently in the information technology acceptance process.

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