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Maths in Motion : Exploring Rotational Symmetries and Triangles through Dance and Body Movement


Maths in Motion : Exploring Rotational Symmetries and Triangles through Dance and Body Movement

In this workshop, we share the main results of the “Maths in Motion” (MiM) Erasmus+ educational project (2017-2019), concerning how dance and body movement can be used as tools to teach mathematics. The MiM-approach is based on embodied cognition and opens up new horizons for students, teachers, and even parents by offering simultaneous experiences with the structural, spatial, rhythmic and symbolic dimensions of mathematics through body movement. We will introduce two teaching modules developed during the project. These modules follow in the footsteps of the writing, workshops, and performances of Schaffer and Stern in the field of mathematics and dance over the past few decades. The modules guide and encourage the participants to create performance art pieces that articulate mathematical concepts.
