
Digitalisaation vaikutukset kaupunkisuunnittelussa

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Digitalisaation vaikutukset kaupunkisuunnittelussa

This is a bachelor’s thesis which is a research on the impact of digitalization (or digitization) to urban planning. The research is methodized by searching literal sources which present digitalization as a phenomenon and terminolog-ically. As a term, digitalization is learned relatively new and unestablished. This thesis aims to present the term in a light of multiple sources and contexts to give a wide and inclusive frame as a field of society and information tech-nology. Digitalization has an impact of current occasion of rapid and massive increasing of data what is a difficult subject to analyze or organize. This data could be named as “big data”. Urban planning is regularized and observed crucial factor, that has an impact on development of cities as a supervisor and legally determing factor. Urban planning takes account on all the residents and services that are brought from egg. different companies. These objects are meant to be served a city that has the most optimally and safely environment to function and de-velop. The unity of these two terms can be combined as a term called: digitali-zation in urban planning. This stands for a technologically performed plan-ning in an urban area. This research gives a view through this term’s offset and future who have a meaning of observing technology as a part of the de-velopment of society and the field of information system science in a context of city. This review has been proceeded by observing sources from relevant publishers of the field of information technology. Technology is an advanced tool of human communities to reach a better standard of living and well-being. For example, by developing tools that help through robots or adjustments. Urban planning could be observed through different literal sources that present it as a theme of development and starting point but also as a term that will invariably change and evaluate and has an impact from digitalization. The tools and technologies of digitalization are GPS-technology, IoT, AI, Robotization, sensors and social media. These aspects affect to targets of urban planning which are traffic, services, health care, gov-ernance, industry, security and infrastructure. The digitalized urban planning can be seen as technologized cities, so called “smart cities”. This research ben-efits the citizen, communities, urban areas ja different service providers. As an academic resource this thesis is aiming to become a part of the unity of Infor-mation System science by adding it’s value and providing relevant and specif-ic academic knowledge. The paper enlightens the effects through the targets and technologies by presenting the impacts and values given by the digitali-zation.

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