
Itsensä mittaamisen teknologioiden hyödyntäminen yksilön terveyden tukena

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Itsensä mittaamisen teknologioiden hyödyntäminen yksilön terveyden tukena

The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to research how self-tracking technologies benefit personal health. This bachelor’s thesis is executed as a literature review. All the results in this thesis are based on previous researches and scientific publications. The research question of this study was: How self-tracking technologies can be used to support personal health? Overweight, cardiovascular diseases, physical inactivity and mental illness are global health problems. Well-being and health are diverse concepts but health is commonly divided into three parts: physical, mental and social health. Self-tracking technologies have developed rapidly and almost everyone is able to track personal data, for example, by using smart phones or wearable devices. These technologies can collect, track, analyze and monitor collected data more and more accurately. Self-tracking technologies can be used in multiple physical health related domains such as tracking physical activity, exercise and weight management. Self-tracking technologies can be used to track mental health related domains such as sleep, mood, depression and stress, and self-tracking technologies can be used in social health related sections such as social activity and social relationships. The previous research on using self-tracking technologies in social health is limited and worth of more research in the future.

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