
Tapaustutkimus dialogin sekä asento- ja liikesynkronian yhteyksistä kahdessa monitoimijaisessa terapiaistunnossa

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Tapaustutkimus dialogin sekä asento- ja liikesynkronian yhteyksistä kahdessa monitoimijaisessa terapiaistunnossa

The aim of this study was to describe posture and movement synchrony and dialogical qualities of two multiactor therapy sessions which differed from each other by the amount of bodily synchrony. The study also analyses two significant events which differed from the rest of the session, created new understanding and changed bodily synchrony. The study was part of the research project Relational Mind in Events of Change in Multiactor Therapeutic Dialogues. The methods used were Dialogical Investigations of Happenings of Change and categorical observation method for posture and movement synchrony. The amount of posture and movement synchrony was lower in the sixth session. However, the therapist-female client dyad synchronized clearly more than other dyads in the sixth session. The therapy sessions were different according to their amount of dialogical dialogue and reflective language, which were lower in the sixth session. Based on the analysis the lack of mutual understanding is connected to the lower amount of posture and movement synchrony. The significant moments seem to affect positively the emotional atmosphere of the conversation and the amount of bodily synchrony. In this study posture synchrony was connected especially to empathy and creating mutual understanding whereas movement synchrony was connected particularly to alternation of conversation or sharing painful feelings. In this study the quality of dialogue and use of reflective language seem to be related with amount of posture and movement synchrony but more study is needed to confirm these hypotheses.

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