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Kilencévesek a lakatlan szigeten : az érvelés szituációs beágyazottságának jelei. Esettanulmány


Kilencévesek a lakatlan szigeten : az érvelés szituációs beágyazottságának jelei. Esettanulmány

This case study is a qualitative analysis of a video-recorded reasoning situation in which a pair of nine year old children argues for tools that should be taken to a deserted island. The students’ answers to a sociometric questionnaire are taken into account to establish background data on the children’s social positions in their clas and into their relationship. This information was used to interpret the multimodal data. A creative problemsolving task was the context of the reasoning situation, where the children were asked to choose 7 objects from 17 to be taken to a deserted island. Although there are many studies on children’s reasoning, it’s bodily and socially distributed nature has not been discovered yet. To provide new information about the topic, I look at the uses of gestures, movements and objects with regard to the social relationship between the participants in the interaction. I have choosen nine years old children to the study, since, on the one hand, abstract thinking and reasoning skills significantly develop around this year and on the other hand, only few studies focus on this age. The result of the analysis shows, that children applied different gestural strategies in reasoning, especially to create and maintain hierarchic relations which has significant effect on the outcome of their reasoning. The aim of the study is to discover how embodied resources are take part in the to co-construction of social positions and how they contribute in reasoning and effect the children’s decisions.
