
Extensions of known geographic distribution of aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) in Finland

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Extensions of known geographic distribution of aphyllophoroid fungi (Basidiomycota) in Finland

This article contributes the knowledge of Finnish aphyllophoroid funga with nationally or regionally new species, and records of rare species. Ceriporia bresadolae, Clavaria tenuipes and Renatobasidium notabile are presented as new aphyllophoroid species to Finland. Ceriporia bresadolae and R. notabile are globally rare species. The records of Ceriporia aurantiocarnescens, Crustomyces subabruptus, Sistotrema autumnale, Trechispora elongata, and Trechispora silvaeryae are the second in Finland. New records (or localities) are provided for 33 species with no more than 10 records in Finland. In addition, 76 records of aphyllophoroid species are reported as new to some subzones of the boreal vegetation zone in Finland. Notes on substrata and habitats of each record are given, and the ecology and distribution of some species are discussed.

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