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Rubert, J., Dorvaux, O., Gall, B., Greenlees, P., Asfari, Z., Piot, J., . . . Laboratory, A. (2013). First prompt in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of a superheavy element: The 256Rf. Institute of Physics.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Rubert, J., et al. First Prompt In-beam Gamma-ray Spectroscopy of a Superheavy Element: The 256Rf. Institute of Physics, 2013.


Rubert, J., et al. First Prompt In-beam Gamma-ray Spectroscopy of a Superheavy Element: The 256Rf. Institute of Physics, 2013.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Rubert, J., Dorvaux, O., Gall, B., Greenlees, P., Asfari, Z., Piot, J., . . . Laboratory, A. 2013. First prompt in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of a superheavy element: The 256Rf. Institute of Physics.

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