
Ympäristöarvot, -asenteet ja arkikäytännöt : kestävän kehityksen edistäminen Salmen koulussa

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Ympäristöarvot, -asenteet ja arkikäytännöt : kestävän kehityksen edistäminen Salmen koulussa

kestävän kehityksen edistäminen Salmen koulussa

People are nowadays very concerned on their own future, and that is why environmental education is receiving an increasing attention. Sustainable development appeared to general discussion in the late 1980´s along with themes related to environmental protection and environmental education. The sustainable development stands for meeting the needs of the present generations without preventing the ability of futures generations to meet their own needs. Education is in a key position to guide people to the way of sustainable life. Currently the reformation of the national core curriculum for basic education is in progress with the core idea to support schools in building a sustainable future. The objective of basic education is to identify the necessity of sustainable development and eco-social education, to work accordingly and to guide pupils to take the way to the sustainable life. The present study focused on the current state of the Salme School from a sustainable development perspective, attitudes of the pupils in the ninth grade and the teachers to sustainable development, as well as key aspects to build a program of sustainable development for the Salme School. An inquiry for the pupils and teachers was used as the method to find out values and attitudes to natural environment and sustainable development and to survey daily practices at the school. The results showed that the nature relationship of pupils should be recreated, because only a personal relationship with nature makes it possible to cherish the sustainable way of life. The teachers had clearly more positive attitude to the environment -and the promotion of sustainable development than the pupils. The positive attitudes of the teachers should be transferred to their teaching and daily practices at the school. According to this study, one of the most important development targets is the school yard, which is currently uninspiring asphalt course. There are no obstacles to draw up a program of sustainable development for the Salme School. The present survey showed the fact that part of the daily practices at the school already conform to the ideas of sustainable development. Now it would be necessary to do a survey of sustainable development for the whole school institution, to draw up a development plan for the school, as well as to take just the right steps for the Salme School on its own path of sustainable development.

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