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Tietueen sitaatit


Parikka, M., Ojala, A., tiedekunta, I., & Technology, F. o. I. (2008). Entrepreneurship- and technology education in the context of the information society. The Japan Society of Technology Education.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Parikka, Matti, Arto Ojala, Informaatioteknologian tiedekunta, ja Faculty of Information Technology. Entrepreneurship- and Technology Education in the Context of the Information Society. The Japan Society of Technology Education, 2008.


Parikka, Matti, et al. Entrepreneurship- and Technology Education in the Context of the Information Society. The Japan Society of Technology Education, 2008.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Parikka, M., Ojala, A., tiedekunta, I. & Technology, F. o. I. 2008. Entrepreneurship- and technology education in the context of the information society. The Japan Society of Technology Education.

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