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Schumacher, F. X., & Coile, T. S. (1960). Growth and yields of natural stands of the southern pines. Coile.

Chicago-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Schumacher, F. X., ja T. S. Coile. Growth and Yields of Natural Stands of the Southern Pines. Durham, N.C.: Coile, 1960.


Schumacher, F. X., ja T. S. Coile. Growth and Yields of Natural Stands of the Southern Pines. Coile, 1960.

Harvard-tyylinen lähdeviittaus

Schumacher, F. X. & Coile, T. S. 1960. Growth and yields of natural stands of the southern pines. Durham, N.C.: Coile.

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